
Three scenes of students participating in intramural activities

Participation & Conduct

With the pressure of world problems and modern living requirements, it is important that the individual take time out periodically for recreational pursuits, in order to help maintain a healthful mental equilibrium.

The goal of the Intramurals Program is to offer each person at CSC the chance to participate in their favorite type of competitive sports or activities, and to provide the opportunity to:.

  • Maintain better health through exercise.
  • Make social contacts and friendships which could not readily be developed in the classroom.
  • Learn the important values developed through team spirit and cooperation.
  • Experience the satisfaction of belonging to a group.
  • Relax from strenuous school work and the rapid pace of modern living.
  • Develop sportsmanship of the highest order. Realize the joy and fun of participating in your favorite sport against good competition, regardless of your ability.
  • Develop sports skills, usable in later life.

Health & Physical Examinations

The Intramurals Department cannot assume responsibility for injury incurred during participation in any of the scheduled activities and sports.

Please Read CSC Intramural Sports Handbook

CSC Fall 2024 Intramural Schedule


2v2 Sand Volleyball

  • Open
  • Registration: Aug 19-Aug 22
  • Tournament: Aug 22th

NFL Weekly Pick’ems

  • Starts Sep. 5 (Week 1)
  • Ends Nov. 25 (Week 12)

Flag Football

  • Co Rec, Men’s
  • Registration: Aug 19 – Sept 3
  • Captain’s Meeting: Sep 4 @ 5:30 Rm 102
  • League Play: Sep 10- Sep 26
  • Playoffs: Oct 1- Oct 10

Golf Tournament (2 man scramble)

  • Open
  • Registration: Aug 19-Sept 11
  • Captain’s Meeting Sept 11 @ 5:30 Rm 102
  • Tournament: Sept 13

6v6 Indoor Volleyball

  • Co-Rec, Women’s
  • Registration: Sept 30- Oct 14
  • Captain’s Meeting: Oct 16 @ 5:30 Rm 102
  • League Play: Oct 17- Nov 12
  • Playoffs: Nov 14- Nov 19

3v3 Basketball  

  • Co Rec, Men’s, Women’s
  • Registration: Nov 11 – Nov 21
  • Tournament: Nov 21

6v6 Dodgeball

  • Open
  • Registration: Nov 25- Dec 5
  • Tournament: Dec 5

Registration form available at the NPAC front desk or email

Eligibility & Ineligibility

Intramural Units and Teams


  • All participants must be currently enrolled students (or spouses), CSC employees (or spouses), or CSC Alumni.
  • Any student may participate in all scheduled events with a recognized campus organization, as long as they are an official member of that organization
  • A player may play only on one team in each sport
  • A player will be considered a member of that team, if they either enter an officially scheduled intramural league contest or place their name on the official roster
  • A player may participate in intramurals for a fraternity or sorority, as long as they are an "active" member of the organization or have paid their pledge fee.
  • Teams and team members' names should be entered on official intramural entry forms, prior to the entry deadline
  • Each team must have enough eligible team members listed on their form to provide sufficient players for the sport in question by the entry deadline
  • New players may be added at any time, provided they are eligible under intramural rules. Exception: New players can not be added for playoff games or post–season games
  • Players must play at least two regularly–scheduled games or matches, prior to any tournaments or postseason games
  • Transfer students who participated in athletics are eligible to compete in intramurals


  • Current varsity athletes: Individuals whose names appear on a team roster or eligibility list of an Intercollegiate athletic team at CSC, or any other four-year institution, including transfer students, may not participate in a similar Intramural sport during the academic year in which they are so listed.
  • Candidates for varsity and freshmen intercollegiate squads are not eligible for intramural participation in sports for which they are practicing, if the intramural season for that sport has started. For example, softball student-athletes are ineligible to compete in intramural softball.
  • Any freshman or varsity squad member who drops from the squad after the intramural season in the same sport has started, will not be eligible to participate in the same intramural sport for the current year.
  • Track varsity or freshman candidates are ineligible for intramural track competition if they have participated in any freshman or varsity matches or meets, exhibition or otherwise, during the current school year.
  • Intercollegiate athletes who have been redshirted, who have become academically ineligible, or have been barred because of unprofessional acts are not eligible to participate in a similar intramural sport during the academic year in which they are so listed.
  • Former intercollegiate athletes are not eligible to compete in a similar intramural sports event until one full academic year has passed following their last intercollegiate affiliation.

These rules apply to both men's and women's sports.

** Ineligibility infractions will result in a "loss" for that game, and the team will be ineligible for the post-season tournament.

Team Information & Entry Forms

Team Captains

Each team must have a captain or representative responsible for the coordination between players and the Intramural Sports program. Duties include:

  • Confirm eligibility of all team members.
  • Submit the required information for each member of his/her team on an official team roster by the scheduled due date listed on the roster.
  • Attend, or send a representative to attend, the scheduled managers meeting prior to the start of the season.
  • Pick up the team schedule from Campus Recreation and notify team members of all scheduled games: date, location, and time.
  • Have team ready to play as scheduled.
  • Be familiar with, and make sure team is familiar with and follows Intramural Policies as well as the rules of the sport.
  • Notify Campus Recreation whenever his/her team must default a contest.
  • Receive all correspondence from Campus Recreation concerning changes in rules, tournament structure, etc., ineligible players, team conduct at contests, etc.
  • Inform Campus Recreation immediately of any change of address, telephone number or change in team captain.


A submitted roster does not insure inclusion in a league, as more teams may apply than can be accommodated. Teams are accepted in order of receipt of roster. Rosters must be turned in by the deadline posted on the roster. Late teams will be added to a waiting list.